I don't promise to blog regularly. I'll make a post once in a while when I feel I have something interesting to say or complain about. Or perhaps just for the hell of it.
This is both a personal site and a demonstration site. I use it both to try out stuff and to give a home to things that folks have asked me about. The content and presentation are apt to change as my mood dictates. This site is about what I do, and not particularly anything else.
Well, it has to start somewhere. The site is not quite ready for prime time, but it's getting there. Most of my entries to date are more about testing than what I plan to include in this website.
What do I plan to include in this website? Anything that I want to share that can't find a proper home on either FoxComputerSystems.com or NutmegWebService.com. Additionally, this is a demonstration site for those other sites: it includes, a custom template with custom web fonts, a shopping cart that interacts with a PayPal account, a blog, gallery, and other items That seem to be useful.
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